Company Drivers
Assigned late model air-ride tractors and trailers
Home Weekly
All miles paid, No East Coast
1 week payroll hold back
Blue Cross Health Plan
Paid Vacation
Drop and hook freight
No macropoint
Monthly safety bonuses
Clean DOT inspection bonuses
E-Z Pass & Pre-Pass with weigh station bypass
Dedicated, repetitive, and open board runs available
Lease purchase available
US and Canadian Contractors Needed!
All miles paid plus fuel surcharge
Paid base plate
Paid IFTA & Fuel Tax
Paid Tolls & E-Z Pass
Weekly settlements
Monthly safety and performance bonus
Pre-Pass with weigh station bypass available
Fuel cards with excellent fuel discounts
Clean DOT Inspection Bonuses
Lease purchase available
Churchill Transportation, Inc.
2455 24th Street
Detroit, MI 48216
Toll Free: 800-333-5555 Option 3
Direct: 313-887-1111